Online Lead Generation For Dummies

If you are just getting started with your online marketing efforts, there is one primary key that you must understand if you want success.

This online lead generation for dummies training is so simple anyone can do this, and yes that means you too!

lead generation for dummiesMore Leads Than You Can Handle

Getting results from your online marketing efforts will take some time that’s why I always suggest that if you need to make money now, active marketing is what you should be doing. That means you are going out here in talking to people and finding out if they are open to what you have to offer. But where do you find the people to talk to about your deal? I got you covered, check out this training that will teach you how to generate up to 50 leads per day, all for free. Click here for the free training!

Should You Bother With Lead Generation

A lead can be defined as someone who has started to show buyer type behavior. Like requesting more information about a product or service. If you’ve ever put your name, email address and possibly your phone number into some website form you have just become a lead.

The one critical thing you must be doing is building your marketing list. This is where leads go when they opt into a website. Building a list allows you to communicate with them and build that trust factor. This is why you should learn how to generate leads. Your goal should be to get people on your list each and every single day.

If are not building your list, you are going to have a tough time staying in business.

There are two main ways you can generate leads. You can do paid strategies like pay per click and other types of paid marketing. PPC or pay per click is an excellent way to grow your business fast, but there can be a steep learning curve to this type of strategy. Also keep in mind once you stop putting money into your ad Google or whatever platform you are advertising on will stop showing your ad. The goal with this type of marketing is to put more money into it allowing you to scale your business faster.

The other way and my favorite way is through content marketing like blogging and videos. The one downside to this method is that it takes time to see any results, it’s not something that happens fast. It took me over six months of blogging before I saw any consistent lead flow. It had taken a few more months before I got my first sale.

The cool thing about doing blogging and videos is they stay out there forever. I get leads and sales from post and videos I’ve done months ago! You can get that free organic traffic from the search engines to your website. I learned how to do most of it through this lead generation marketing system.

Check out my lead generation for dummies video below and learn how you can start generating leads for your business!

Video: Lead Generation For Dummies

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To Your Massive Success

Dereco Cherry






Text or Call Me: (336) 782-8318
Skype: Reco.Cherry

P.S. Haven’t Recruited Anybody Into Your Business Yet? This Course Will Help. Click Here!

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8 thoughts on “Online Lead Generation For Dummies”

  1. Without leads you are just a a failing business. We need leads to survive in business and you laid it out perfect for us to gain those leads! Thanks for the great value Dereco!

  2. Leads are the lifeblood of your business. But, you need to attract the right people to you and build a relationship with them to get them to WANT to opt into your list. The key to that is blogging and videos.

    Dr. Lisa

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