How To Approach A Prospect In Network Marketing

How To Approach A Prospect In Network Marketing

Have you been out and about and you’ve met someone who you think would be perfect for your network marketing business but you are not sure on how you should approach them?

Your initial approach to someone sets the tone on how the conversation will go, so in today’s training, you are going to learn how to approach a prospect in network marketing.

The Secret Recipe

Would you like to make more money in your network marketing business, but not sure of how to do it? Building your network marketing business online requires you to follow a recipe, a top earner recipe. Check out this training and learn how after just two years building her business online, she was able to acquire 453 new customers, pay cash for a new benzo and build her dream house all using this simple top earner recipe. Click here for the secret sauce!

If You Need To Make Money Fast

If you need to earn money fast, getting people in front of your business opportunity is the best thing you can do. Learning the art of the invitation in network marketing can set your bank account off. When you are prospecting, you want to say less to more people. Your number one goal should be to see who is open and who is not.

If it’s someone in your warm market, you have more room just to throw it out there. If you are just getting started, I highly suggest you hit up your warm market and at the very least let them know what you are doing. Nothing is worse than logging into Facebook and seeing a status post about a family member joining someone else’s team in the same company. I’ve had that happen to me before, and it’s not a good feeling.

Best Places to Prospect for Recruits

Some of the very best places to prospect for recruits are the places that you visit while living your life. You always want to be looking for an opportunity to prospect someone. For example, I was at the gym the other day on the treadmill. This guy comes up a few treadmill’s down from me and props his book up. Guess what he was reading? Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Now, don’t you think that would be the perfect person to prospect for my network marketing business? So you know what I did next, of course, I prospected him! I got his information and plan on following up with him to present my business presentation. I didn’t need any fancy network marketing invite scripts or anything, I just talked to him like a normal person.

How To Prospect Strangers in Network Marketing

The main thing to remember about prospecting strangers is to keep it light and friendly. Don’t make the conversation weird. Treat strangers how you would like to be treated. Ask questions and listen. Make the conversation all about them. Don’t stress the conversation. They don’t know anything about you or your past. You want to find out if there is a need for your network marketing opportunity. You will find there is almost always some type of need there. It’s up to you to get them to tell you so you can present a solution to their problem. Here is a more in depth resource that will teach you how to prospect strangers in network marketing.

How To Invite In Networking

If you have been following me for some time you know I’m, not a fan of using cold market prospecting scripts, but I do think you should use them as a guideline for your conversation with your prospects. One of the biggest mistakes network marketers make is they talk too much. You want to say less to more people. Here is a technique that works great that I learned from Ray Higdon, it’s where you create a break in communication.

You: “Hey, I got some new stuff going on in my life right now that I’m really excited about, I would love to show it to you but I have to run and pick up the kids (insert whatever you want). Are you free tomorrow for us to talk?”

Them: Yea, I sure do have some time but what is it?”

You: “I can’t really get into the details right now as I have to run to pick my kids up but I’ll reach out to you tomorrow to tell you all about it. Cool?”

You can have a lot of these types of conversations because they are fast. The other cool thing about this approach is that it’s not hypy or weird at all. What you DONT want to do is start rambling off how you two are going to make so much money and how it’s a ground floor opportunity.

What If They Say No

Who cares? If they say no move on, you are not there to try and convince anyone to check out something that could change their life. Thank them for their time and move on! Remember for every no that you get, you are that much closer to getting a yes. So keep going. But always be professional and never be rude to someone if they don’t want to take a look at your gig. If you do it right you can get a referral from them, here’s an example of how that conversation could go.

You: “Hey, I see from your shirt you work at (insert place).”

Them: Yea, I have been there for a couple of years now


Them:“No, I’m not looking to do any extra at the moment but thanks for asking.”

You: “No problem at all. Do you know anyone who would like to make some extra money if we were able to show them step by step on how they could do it?”

See how easy that was, even though they were not open to making some extra money, the way I asked they had zero resistance and felt comfortable with giving me a referral. Another thing to keep in mind, it may not be the right time in their life. I’ve had people reach out to me, whom I’ve spoken with months ago saying they are ready to join or wanted to take another look at what I have going on. Isn’t that cool?

How To Handle Rejection In Network Marketing

How To Approach A Prospect In Network Marketing

Rejection is something that you can not avoid. Part of the beauty of working for yourself is you get to pick and choose who YOU want to work within YOUR business. There are times when prospects will throw you an objection to see what type of leader you are and how you will respond. There are a handful of pretty typical network marketing objections that you will come across. Here is how I learned how to handle each one. My man Ray Higdon shared these common objections so now I’m passing them along to you.

Objection: “These things never work.”

Weak Response: “Oh no you are wrong they do work! I know a lot of people making a ton of money. This is a ground floor opportunity!”

A Better Response: “If your immediate response, when presented with an opportunity, is that they don’t work, you are probably right, and this might not be a fit for you.”

This takes the focus from you and puts it back all on them. Look for ways to keep/put the focus on your prospect. Make them tell you why you should spend your time with them.

Objection: “I don’t have the money.”

Weak Response: “Dang, any idea of when you will have the money?”

A Better Response: “If you did have the money, is this something you could see yourself doing?”

When you get the, I don’t have the money objection this is usually not true. You have not shown them how your opportunity could solve their problem.

Objection: “I’m not good at sales.”

Weak Response: “It’s not selling. It’s just sharing the product or service.”

A Better Response: “You don’t have to be good at sales but you do have to be coachable, do you consider yourself coachable?”

This type of response is just BOSS, it positions you as the authoritative figure and again puts the focus back on them.

Objection: “I can’t do this sort of thing.”

Weak Response: “Yes, you can, it’s super easy and we are going to be rich!”

A Better Response: “You are probably right.”

This type of reaction can go one of two ways. First, they could turn get turned off because you said that which is fine OR they could take this as a personal challenge and step up to the plate and show you that they can do it.

I remember back when I joined my very first network marketing company. I thought it was the greatest thing ever and just knew everyone would see things just like I did. Boy was I wrong, in fact, I got the run around from so many people telling me they were to going to signup but never did to the people that just flat out told me no.

Getting told no is part of the game, but if you learn how to market and do cold market prospecting, you will never run out of people to talk to about your network marketing business. In my network marketing meet 7 prospects a day video below, I’m going to share some simple ways to meet virtually as many people as you want.

Network Marketing Meet 7 Prospects A Day Video

The resource I mentioned in the video can be accessed by going here.

Was that video helpful? With the tips I shared in the video do you see how easy it can be to meet seven prospects or even more per day? Make sure you drop me a comment below and let me know what you liked best about this training. Also feel free to share this around with anyone you think could get some benefit from it!

If this post was helpful, please do me a quick favor and leave a comment, like and share on Facebook or your favorite social media platform.

To Your Massive Success

Dereco Cherry






Text or Call Me: (336) 782-8318
Skype: Reco.Cherry

PS: If You Are Just Getting Started With Online Marketing, And Don’t Know Where To Start, You Should Take A Peek At This – Clicking Here!

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12 thoughts on “How To Approach A Prospect In Network Marketing”

  1. Phenomenal content as always and what I love most about reading your articles is how you actually break it down and structure your scripts. Thanks!

  2. This is one of those posts I have bookmarked and will come back to and send people to Dereco… great great stuff here… everyone should read this one… thank you for sharing this

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