MLM Tips For Beginners: What To Do When You Don’t Feel Like Working

mlm tips for beginners

It’s going to happen. There are going to be days where you don’t feel like doing anything in your business.

In this post, I’m going to teach you some mlm tips for beginners on what to do when you don’t feel like working.

Build Your MLM Online

If you just started building your network marketing business, there is a good chance you were told to make a list of your family, friends, co-workers, basically anyone you know that is breathing. While I highly suggest that you do this, there are a few key things you need to keep in mind.

The list of people you know is going to run out at some point, most of the time sooner than later. So what are you going to do once you get to the end of that list?

Well, I was in that exact position when I came online a few short years ago looking for ways to build my business using the internet. What I found was a way to position my products and services in front of people who already like the network marketing profession. All of this is done using a little secret that all top earners online use.

The secret is attraction marketing, and you can learn more about it by going here.

Don’t Feel Like Working Your MLM?

It happens to all of us. You wake up one day not feeling like doing anything. It can be different reasons that make you feel like that. Sometimes things just get in the way. Kids, job…you know life.

What I Do

So here is what I do on days I don’t feel like working my business. I have a core set of activities that MUST get done no matter what.

Connect with at least 5 new people every day. That’s either on Facebook or some other social media platform or while I’m out and about running errands. This does not mean I send them links. When I say connect I mean start new conversations.

Follow up with people from previous conversations. There really is no set number here sometimes it’s more sometimes it’s less depending on how many people have responded to messages I’ve sent out earlier. This is where the money is made. That is why having a good CRM is so critical. You can keep track of your conversation and what your prospect has told you.

Email my list. I try and send them something of value that will help them out in their business.

Read at least 30 minutes per day a personal development or marketing book and or going through a course I’ve purchased.

The thing you want to keep in mind is you want to always be doing something to progress your business forward. Some days are going to be more productive than others.

MLM Motivation Tips

Look some days you are not going to feel like doing crap in your business. Reaching out making new connections, making content all of that is going to feel like a big drag. I can assure you just about every network marketer out there feels like that at some point. So here are some tips that will help you get through those times.

When I don’t feel like doing something, I do it anyway. It’s really that simple. How bad do you want that freedom? How bad do you want to bring your spouse home from that 9-5 job?

When you are not motivated its usually just a mental state. What I learned over the years is the importance of crafting your vision. Your vision is what keeps you going on the days you don’t feel like doing anything.

Additional Resources

Mlm Tips for Beginners:When to Join a Mlm Company

Mlm Tips For Beginners: Why You Want A Great Attitude

Beginners Guide To Cold Market Prospecting

The mlm tips for beginners I talk about in the video below, I dive a bit deeper into the points I just touched on, so make sure you pay close attention.

Video: MLM Tips For Beginners

Did that video help you? Let me know in the comments below if you ever felt like not working your business and what you did to overcome that feeling. Oh don’t forget to share this with anyone you think could benefit from it.

If this post was helpful, please do me a quick favor and leave a comment, like and share on Facebook or your favorite social media platform.

To Your Massive Success

Dereco Cherry





Text or Call Me: (336) 782-8318
Skype: Reco.Cherry
Need Some One On One Help? Check Out My Work With Me Page.

P.S. If You Could Use More Leads, Reps And Money For Your Business You Might Want To Take A Peek At The System I Have Been Using- Click Here For Access!

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8 thoughts on “MLM Tips For Beginners: What To Do When You Don’t Feel Like Working”

  1. These are great tips when you don’t feel like doing business.

    I try to email my list almost daily and reach out to people during the week.

    Trying to step up to 5 a day!

    Thanks for sharing Dereco!

  2. These are great tips. We all certainly feel like there are days when you’re scratching your head and thinking, what am I doing? This would be a great list to have on the side of your computer to reference 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  3. Go for a run or do some yoga or take a walk. Perform some stretches and get moving! Often, it’s the boredom feelings that really make us uncomfortable to work until we get energized by a physical exercise.

  4. Exercise does it for me. As I say ” I’m going to relax & lift some weights” . When I’m lifting I don’t have to think about anything & later an idea for a blog comes to me. Great tips Dereco.

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