Four Network Marketing Online Strategies To Become An Authority

network marketing online strategies

Would you like to know the network marketing online strategies, the top earners use to crush it online?

This blog post shares a simple four-step strategy that works for any business or niche.

How I Stay Up On Network Marketing Online Strategies

When I came online a few years ago, I had no clue of how this online marketing thing worked. If someone would have asked me what a capture page was they would have gotten a blank stare from me.

It wasn’t until I plugged into a marketing system that taught me how the pieces fitted together AND it kept me up to date with the ever-changing marketing strategies out here.

Maybe you are just getting started or you’ve been online for awhile but have not gotten the results you wanted. If you want to finally find out how to generate leads and make more sales in your business, then you might want to check out the system that changed everything for me. You can go here to check it out.

How To Choose Which Strategy To Use

One of the first things I learned when I came online was, pick just one strategy and master it BEFORE adding anything else.

Putting all your focus on just one strategy is how you stay out of information overload.

You don’t have to be on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. All of those are hot marketing strategies and they all work.

But when you try to learn all of them at one time it can become overwhelming. So here is how you choose which strategy to use. First, figure out where your target audience hangs out. I can tell you more of the younger crowd 18-24 hangs out on Instagram, have a look at this chart. Facebook has a slight bit older crowd, 25-34 age range.

With that information that will tell you where your ideal prospect hangs out most of the time.

Let’s say you decide you want to master Instagram, well I would consume as much information on how to market on Instagram. I’d read any books, pick up cheat sheets, jump on webinars or training courses to learn as much as possible.

Oh and take massive all-out action on everything that you are learning.

How Long Will It Take To See Results

This is a question I get frequently from coaching clients and leads that I talk to on the phone, and this is what I tell them, it depends, it depends on how hard you work your business.

If you work your business like a hobby, it’s going to pay you like a hobby. When I’m on the phone with leads one of the questions that I like to ask is how much money do they want to make. Then I will ask them how many hours per week do they have to work their business.

If they say they want to make 10k per month but can only put 5 hours a week into their business I tell them that’s an unrealistic goal, especially if you are just starting out.

It took me several months of blogging before I even generated any leads. It took me a few more months to make my first sale online. It’s going to be different for everyone.

[clickToTweet tweet=”If you work your business like a hobby, it’s going to pay you like a hobby” quote=”If you work your business like a hobby, it’s going to pay you like a hobby”]

More Resources That Will Help You Out

Effective Time Management Strategies

3 Easy MLM Facebook Marketing Strategies You Should Be Using

If you want to become a authority, make sure you check out my video below where I lay out the simple four steps you must follow.

[Video] Four Network Marketing Online Strategies

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To Your Massive Success

Dereco Cherry





Text or Call Me: (336) 782-8318
Skype: Reco.Cherry
Need Some One On One Help? Check Out My Work With Me Page.

PS: If You Could Use More Leads, Reps, And Money For Your Business You Might Want To Take A Peek At The System I Have Been Using- Click Here For Access!

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4 thoughts on “Four Network Marketing Online Strategies To Become An Authority”

  1. Great point Dereco on how we all proceed at different paces. Sometimes folks want clear, hard and fast answers in terms of when to expect to see money. Impossible to answer. Sure you see positive, full time results over years, if you do the right stuff with the right energy, persistently, every single day. But beyond that, no one knows save you when you will succeed. Thanks for sharing buddy.


    1. Yes, it is impossible to answer, I always tell them depends on how hard they work. If you set the right expectations, people will usually quit when they don’t make that 10k in one month.

  2. Thank for sharing. Most people don’t know or have a system when they start their business and that’s why they go out of business in an early start. We got to teach people how to use a system to become successful in their business.

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