Why You Don’t Need Any Mlm Recruiting Secrets

Are you looking for some mlm recruiting secrets?mlm recruiting secrets

In today’s video blog I am going share with you 5 mlm recruiting questions to ask your prospects. They are not mlm recruiting secrets but they should help you out.

If you are just starting out in your business, you are probably looking for some mlm recruiting techniques you can use when talking to your prospects to get the conversation going. The cool thing about what I am about to share in the video below is you can use their answers to help you close them into your business.

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You Should Be Constantly Growing

If you want any type of long term success in your business you should be constantly feeding your mind with learning new skills, getting better at the one’s you already have and more importantly learning new one’s. By reading this blog and watching the video below you are educating yourself. Let me share with you some of things I do to educate myself, I have a routine that includes reading a few pages of a marketing or mindset book and I also attending weekly training webinars. If you would like to check come check out were I learn new marketing skills from you can click here to get registered. Your success is right outside of your comfort zone and this is the place that scares people the most. Anytime something is new it can be scary but just like everything else, if you do it enough you will throw those fears right out the door.

Are There Any Mlm Recruiting Secrets?

I am sure there are marketers out there claiming to have the secret to recruiting people but the truth is there really is no secret, when you get better your results get better. Asking better questions to your prospects can lead to more signups and sales in you your business. This is a just like any other skill, the more you you do it the better you will become. Although there are no magical mlm prospecting scripts or phrases you can say to get someone to join you in your business, these questions I am about to share will show you how to build your mlm downline and get your team growing.

Video: 5 Mlm Recruiting Questions You Can Ask

Did this video help you understand why you didn’t need any mlm recruiting secrets? It’s all about the questions you ask instead of some secret.

Do you have a good question that you like to ask your prospects? Leave a comment below, I would love to hear them. If you got value from this training or if you know of someone who could benefit from this please like, comment and share.

To Your Massive Success!


Text or Call Me: (336) 782-8318
Skype: Reco.Cherry
Email: Dereco@DerecoCherry.com

P.S. If you could use more leads, reps and money for your business you may want to take a peek at the system I have been using. Click Here

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Image courtesy of [stuart miles] at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

6 thoughts on “Why You Don’t Need Any Mlm Recruiting Secrets”

  1. Hey Dereco,

    Good questions! I think that asking questions is great to clear doubts that prospects might have.

    My leader told me that the presentation didn’t matter as much as clearing out your prospects doubts since all of them have the same doubts most of the time.

    He said you can answer frequently asked questions or common doubts in the presentation itself or afterwards.

    I think your 5 questions are really good to get the prospect talking and know what they want to start with and then you help them get what they want by responding to their doubts.

    Great point Dereco, I like your blog

    Best regards

    This video from Tim sales is a good complement to your article:

  2. Nice blog friend. And great questions to get folks thinking. Planting seeds for sure! I wonder what the stats are, ie you do the same 5 questions with 20 folks, will 1 or 5 be interested or 50%.
    Proly have to deal with other factors too. Their need, their desires, their willingness to try something new and more. Good luck and God bless

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