How To Come Up With Blog Ideas That Make Money

Blog Ideas That Make Money

Are you running out of ideas for content for your blog?

In this training, I’m going to share exactly how you can come up with blog ideas that make money for you in your network marketing business!

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Just a quick heads up, every Wednesday, you can get some free high-level coaching from six and seven figure earners. On these training’s you will learn the exact strategies they are using to crush it in their business. These training usually max out within a few hours and are guaranteed (if you do the work) to help you get more leads, reps, and money inside of your network marketing business. This training is for the serious network marketers. If this is not you, then DO NOT register. If you are serious, you can go here to secure your spot.

How To Come Up With Blog Ideas That Make Money

Coming up with great content is pretty straightforward. As a marketer, you need always to keep your ears open and listen more. Here are my favorite ways to come up with content.

Existing or new training. I’m sure you have a book lying around that you’ve read. Go back through it and ask yourself why did you buy this book. You can turn that into content. Any list that you come across in books makes an excellent blog post. Someone more than likely has the same question. Do the same thing with webinars you get on. Ask yourself why are you attending this training.

When you attend events and training, ask yourself what can you do with what you are learning. Figure out if there is something you can add or remove from your routine to improve it and think what can you teach to your audience.

Ask People. If you have a marketing list or do live presentations, ask the people what their number question about, marketing, prospecting, etc. is. And use their questions as blog post titles.

You have to remember not everyone is the entire world was on that exact training you were or read that exact book you just read. I leared a pretty cool saying from Ray Higdon, your notes are uncashed checks. Take your notes create some content on a consistent basis.

Content Is KingBlog Ideas That Make Money

If you want to build your network marketing business online, sure you can go out and build it using only social media. I don’t advise anyone to do that. You don’t own your social media profile, and it could be shut down at any time. You should, however, use social media in addition to creating content that lives outside of your social media profile. Content is king when it comes to marketing online.

Attraction marketing is built around creating content. When you start putting out content you start attracting people to you from it. This is the foundation that all the guru’s online use. Here is a training I put together that will help you with the basics of attraction marketing and how it all ties in with helping you build your network marketing business.

Who Are You Trying To Attract

I would say knowing who you want to attract to your business would be the first step you would need to take before coming up with blog ideas. I say that because when you try to market to everybody, you end up talking to nobody.

You want to be as specific as you possibly can. You can’t talk about making money in one post then turn around and talk about how to get in shape. It’s not congruent.

When a visitor lands on my site, they know immediately what my site is all about. If they don’t like network marketing, there is a good chance they will just click away, and that is exactly what I want them to do. I do not have the time or energy to try and re-wire someone’s mindset about network marketing.

I want to attract people who are already in network marketing or looking to learn more about the profession.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Marketing is the solving of problems. Identify target market and solve their problems” quote=”Marketing is the solving of problems. Identify target market and solve their problems”]

What Do They Want?

When you know who your target audience is the next step in creating blog ideas is to figure out what do they want, what do they struggle with? What are common the common problems your target audience has? Once you know this coming up, content becomes a lot easier.

If you want to attract other network marketers think to yourself the things they struggle within their business, what are common problems that exist?. For example, I know they struggle with lead, mindset, prospecting and team building just to name a few things. You can create content around all of those different topics. I came up with my giveaway here on my blog because a lot of network marketers struggle with lead generation.

Think to yourself what problem can you solve not so much as what do you say.

More Training For You

13 Ways To Generate Leads Online -Never run out of prospects to talk to for your business.

How To Choose The Best Blogging Platform Easily -Get started with blogging the right way.

Don’t Worry About Credibility

If you are thinking why would someone listen to you, let me fill you in a little secret. You don’t need to have some big-time results to start teaching and solving problems. People only want to know what’s in it for them and if you are giving them value and solving their problems, they won’t care or even know what your results have been.

Check out the video below; I share some easy ways to come up with blog ideas that make money.

How To Come Up With Blog Topics That Make Money

Were those some creative blog ideas in that training? If you got some value make sure you drop me a comment below and let me know!

If this post was helpful, please do me a quick favor and leave a comment, like and share on Facebook or your favorite social media platform.

To Your Massive Success

Dereco Cherry





Text or Call Me: (336) 782-8318
Skype: Reco.Cherry
Need Some One On One Help? Check Out My Work With Me Page.

PS: If You Want To Get Started With Blogging But Don’t Know Where To Start, This Is The Course You Should Get.

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14 thoughts on “How To Come Up With Blog Ideas That Make Money”

  1. Content is all around you! Loved your tips…

    My favorite way of generating content is to read through books and write about my biggest takeaways…

    Another favorite method is to immediately teach what I’ve learned in a training…

    Dr. Lisa

  2. Another great post Dereco! I remember when you first started mentoring me. This was the first you shared with me. I remember you telling me whatever questions I had others had also. So, if I found the answer to my OWN question, turn that answer into content, and answer the question for someone else!
    Always a pleasure to drop by and check out your awesome content!

  3. I’ve had “bloggers block” which is writers block for bloggers. I read articles and then write my thoughts on the article but I also put the web link in so that people can read the exact article.
    Great tips Dereco.

  4. This was a great read, very informational for a new bloggerblile me, am still in my first month and I am learning everything as I go. I am still narrowing down my audience which you mentioned is a key but since I have a few post up I am wondering if I should post on a range of my interest and track which area is getting more traffic or just stick to one are and go from there, thank you for very great tips that I will surely be using in my new adventure

    1. I would suggest you just come up with a target audience. I wouldn’t think on it too much. You can always change it later if you change your mind. You already got the hardest part out the way and that is starting. Keep it up and if I can be of any help feel free to reach out. Thanks for the comment and for stopping by!

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