How To Start Your Own Home Based Business

how to start small business in home

Want some direction on how to start your own home based business?

Here are some of the strategies that have helped me along the way.

Want A Successful Home Business Online?

At one point I had no clue of how this online marketing thing worked. If someone would have asked me what a capture page was they would have gotten a blank stare from me. I didn’t let the fact, I knew nothing about it stop me. I knew there had to be a way to actually make money using the internet.

It wasn’t until I plugged into a marketing system that taught me the blueprint, how the pieces fitted together, AND kept me up to date with the ever-changing marketing strategies out here.

Maybe you are just getting started, or you’ve been online for a while but have not gotten the results you wanted. If you want to finally find out how to generate leads and make more sales in your business, then you might want to check out the system that changed everything for me. You can go here to check it out.

Don’t Have The Money?

Well, you might need to get creative. If you truly don’t have the money there are ways that you can come up with it. For example, my good friend and business partner, Bubbie Guntner donated plasma to get started with his business! He didn’t make it excuses, how found a way.

Now I’m not telling you to go out and donate plasma but how bad do you want it?

Can you stop drinking Starbucks every day? Can you lower or even cut off your cable TV? Can you provide a service like house cleaning, washing cars, cutting grass? The list is all most endless.

We all can come up with the money for things when we want something bad enough.

If it’s not important, you’ll make up every excuse on why you don’t have the money or why you can’t come up with it.

Don’t get stuck in learning mode

I fell into this trap when I first got started. I kept consuming and taking in all this information but never did anything with it. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “knowledge is power.” Well, I say “applied knowledge is power.” If you are not taking action on what you are learning, then the what you are learning is worthless. You have to get going to make any progress. Too many people get stuck in learning mode and never get out of it. I made my first sale online by taking action on a Facebook course I was going through at the time. I paused the training, implemented what they were teaching and no kidding a few days later I had my very first sale.

Stay Consistent

You won’t lose a 100lbs in a month and you won’t make 10k your first month. The key is to stay consistent. Keep going.

Two of the first books I purchased that helped me with my consistency was The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy and The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson.

I highly recommend these books if you need some help staying consistent.

Learn How To Market

Back when I came online I heard this term, attraction marketing being said. I didn’t understand at the time what it was or how it worked but I knew if I wanted any type of success online I better learn it fast. So that’s what I did. Now I generate leads and sales on almost a daily basis. It wasn’t like that in the beginning. It took some time but the results came.

Don’t just market to any and everyone. Figure out who your target audience is going to be and start putting out some content answering their questions. I think anyone coming online should have a blog. If you have no clue of what a blog is, you might want to check out this course that taught me pretty much everything I know about blogging. Blogging works no matter what business you are building. My blog is responsible for generating me leads and sales, sometimes on complete autopilot.

Have A Daily Action Plan

One thing that I’ve learned about building a business from home is that every day is not going to be super productive. I have days where I get more things done than others. I do however have a core set of task that gets completed every day no matter what happens during the day.

Some of my core tasks include reaching out and talking to at least 2-3 new people per day. Sometimes it’s more. I follow up with the leads I’ve generated.

I’m always working on new content. I try to plan my content out for the next few weeks but that doesn’t always work out like that. I also make time every day for personal development. Whether it’s learning a new skill or getting better at an existing one.

You should base your routine on the type of goals you want to achieve. If you’re in network marketing, and you want to build a big team, you better be prospecting every day. No excuses.

Set The Right Expectations

Don’t set unrealistic expectations. Don’t have goals of making 10k per month and this is your first time doing a home-based business. Create reasonable expectations and have a reasonable routine. You can always add to it as you get better and gain more experience.

[Video] Home Business Tips For Faster Results

Did that video help you? I hope you paid close attention and took some notes so you don’t make some of the same mistakes I did when I first got started with my home based business. Feel free to share this around with anyone you know could get some benefit from this training.

If this post was helpful, please do me a quick favor, like and share on Facebook or your favorite social media platform.

To Your Massive Success

Dereco Cherry





Text or Call Me: (336) 782-8318
Skype: Reco.Cherry
Need Some One On One Help? Check Out My Work With Me Page.

PS: Need a Step-By-Step Blueprint For Online Marketing Success, You Might Want To Take A Peek At This (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) – Click Here For Instant Access

If you’ve enjoyed this training on How To Start Small Business In Home, drop me a comment below, please.

2 thoughts on “How To Start Your Own Home Based Business”

  1. Hi Dereco,
    First, thanks for the shout out. Yes, my passion and desire to succeed MOVED me to TAKE ACTION. As you said, I did in fact donate plasma when my money was to short to pay for the tools and learning platform. I did it without any reservations because I believed in myself.

    However, as you know so well, I got caught up in the trap you mentioned. I wanted to consuming and take in all the information I could. But putting it into action was a different story.

    With my education (thanks to you), I begin generating about 5-8 leads a day. As you will remember, I struggled getting on the phone with my new prospects. But, with your mentor-ship and leading me in the right direction on what prospecting course would get me over this fear. And, it worked!
    Within weeks I was hitting the leadership board of the company I was with!

    Like you said “APPLIED knowledge is power.” I mean, who would pay thousands for a car but never drive it?

    You always have been and will be a dear friend!

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