How To Choose The Best Residual Income Business Opportunity

residual income business opportunity

Are you tired of trading time for dollars?

In this blog post, you are going to learn the very best business models that will help you generate residual income.

Are You Ready For Success Online?

If you just started building your network marketing business, there is a good chance you were told to make a list of your family, friends, co-workers, basically anyone you know that is breathing. While I highly suggest that you do this, there are a few key things you need to keep in mind.

The list of people you know is going to run out at some point, most of the time sooner than later. So what are you going to do once you get to the end of that list?

Well, I was in that exact position when I came online a few short years ago looking for ways to build my business using the internet. What I found was a way to position my products and services in front of people who are already sold on network marketing. All of this is done using a little secret that all top earners online use.

The secret is attraction marketing, you can learn about it by going here.

Why You Want To Generate Residual Income

There are two types of income, there is linear income, that is you trading time for money. You show up to your job, work 40 hours and you get paid for the hours you worked. If you don’t show up you don’t get paid unless you have vacation or personal time to cover your missed time.

Let me give you another example, if you ran a car washing business, if you are not washing cars you don’t make any money.

Residual income is where you do the work one time and get paid on it over and over again. Some examples would be investing in the stock market and you can earn money from the interest on how well your stocks perform. Then there is real estate. You purchase a property, rent it out to someone and they pay you monthly rent. Linear income virtually has no limit to the amount of money you can earn.

Network marketing is residual income and in my opinion the best business model out there.

With a traditional business, you have building rent, insurance, the product your selling, employees salaries just to name a few things.

Check out this post for some additional residual income ideas.

Advantages Of Network Marketing

Low Cost To Start- If you always wanted to start your own business but don’t have a lot of money to invest there is no better option than to get started with a network marketing business and the requirements for staying active is far lower than running a traditional business. You usually only have to cover your auto-ship.

You don’t have to wait to open a business- Where I live there is a dairy queen restaurant that is about to open up. They have been building it for the past few months getting it ready. Think the owners are making any money yet? Probably not. With network marketing, you can start your business and start working signing up reps and selling product the same day!

Leverage Existing Customer Support- You get to leverage their support and customer service department. You don’t have to worry about fooling with any of that. One of your reps has a problem, just direct them to your companies customer service department and let them handle it.

The Cons Of Network Marketing

Easy To Quit- Since the cost is so low to get started, this makes quitting the business a lot easier. If you’ve only invested a few hundred bucks to get started it’s not a big deal to walk away from. If you have 100’s of thousands of dollars invested you would think long and hard about quitting that business.

Rejection- If you decide to get involved in network marketing you are going to get way more no’s than you will yes’s. If you are the type of person who can’t handle rejection or the opinions of others greatly influence you and your judgment, network marketing might not be for you. You have to be willing to take some criticism and step outside your comfort zone.

generate residual incomeIt Going To Take Time- If you are looking to get rich quick, network marketing might not be for you. Network marketing is not a get rich quick business. Think of it as a get rich slow type of business. Now there are always exceptions to the case where you have your success stories that happened really fast for someone but that is usually not the case for most people.

Who Should Do Network Marketing

I think everyone should do network marketing, most of us are already doing now and not aware of it and not getting paid for it. When was the last time you recommend a movie or place to eat to someone?

[clickToTweet tweet=”You Are Already Doing Network Marketing, You Are Just Not Getting Paid For It!” quote=”You Are Already Doing Network Marketing, You Are Just Not Getting Paid For It!”]

Who Shouldn’t Do Network Marketing?

If you are a Know it all. One of the worst things a network marketer can say is “I know that already.” Being a know it all in any type of business will put you on the fast track to failure. I’ve been building my business online for the past few years and yes I’ve learned a lot along the way but there is so much more to learn and honestly, you will never know it all. That is why it’s important to hire coaches and get around people who can get you to the next level.

If you are making 1,000 per month in your business wouldn’t it be smart to get around someone who can show you how to make 5k or even 10k per month? No matter how much money you start to make in your business there is always going to be someone out there making more. The only way your business is going to the next level is by getting around people who are already there.

Here are some additional resources to help you build your empire:

How To Earn Money From Home Without Any Investment

Five Best Places To Prospect For Network Marketing When You Are Brand New

If you are serious about learning how to generate residual income from home, check out my video below and learn the one key thing you need to keep in mind when making a decision.

Video: Residual Income Business Opportunity

If you got some value from this training let me know in the comments below!

If this post was helpful, please do me a quick favor and leave a comment, like and share on Facebook or your favorite social media platform.

To Your Massive Success

Dereco Cherry





Text or Call Me: (336) 782-8318
Skype: Reco.Cherry
Need Some One On One Help? Check Out My Work With Me Page.

PS: Need a Step-By-Step Blueprint For Online Marketing Success, You Might Want To Take A Peek At This (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) – Click Here For Instant Access

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13 thoughts on “How To Choose The Best Residual Income Business Opportunity”

  1. I think an important note as well, is the need for some smaller top tier commissions, and also physical products along with digital products, for a wider audience of course. Love the post my friend!

    1. I agree Johnathan, that way you have something to offer at every price point. Which in turn will allow you to help more people. Having physical products is a nice touch too! Thanks for the comment and for stopping by my friend!

  2. You’re absolutely right! Network marketing is not a get rich quick business. It takes lots of efforts and hard work before we see results. Fortunately, the rewards are far better than what our eyes can see.

  3. So many business’ are still portrayed as “get rich quick” or “no recruiting” that’s why so many quit when they’re not rich in one month. Network marketing takes time & effort & we have to find the people who are willing to put the time & effort in.

  4. Great article, Dereco! Thanks.
    I will check out your link on attraction marketing, as I want to learn more about this method.
    Residual income is definitely the way forward.
    I’ve retweeted and shared on Google + and Facebook.
    Have a great week,

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