How Do You Get To The Top Of A Google Search?


how do you get to the top of a google search

Want to get your blog post ranking higher on Google?

Here in this post, I share a sneaky WordPress trick that you can start using today that will help you get better rankings.

If you’re trying to get your post to rank higher on Google, leave all the shady tactics behind. The un-natural backlinking, the keyword stuffing. All of that crap has been fixed by Google via updates. If you want to get to the top of a google search you must now write, long detailed blog post, 1200 or more words. The days of writing short pieces of content are pretty much over. Google wants to give the end user a good experience, and long content does just that.

How To Improve Your Google Rankings

Stop looking for the shortcuts trying to game Google. There aren’t many SEO tricks that are left out here. And if you do find one, it won’t last. Back in the day, shady stuff like keyword stuffing, weird backlinking stuff. All of those things worked but then website owners got hit with Google updates and bam, just like that all of their traffic went away literally overnight.

If you want your blog to produce income for you now and well into the future, the key is just having better content.

Good content will work now and well into the future.

Get That Organic Traffic

Organic traffic is where someone types in a search query and lands on your site, without you having to spend a dime. Paid ads are just the opposite. You pay to have your website show up. But when you stop paying they stop showing your stuff.

Not with organic traffic, that stuff comes in month after month for years, for free.

So with that short explanation, you can see why organic traffic is the way to go.

How Long Does It Take To Rank Your Content

The only downside to organic traffic is that it takes time, I’m talking several months before you see any organic traffic to your post. A brand new website can take almost  35 weeks to where articles are bringing in most of its traffic.

This doesn’t mean it takes 35 weeks to rank number 1, just that’s how long it takes to get to its true ranking position.

The most effective way to increase your organic traffic is to keep putting out good content.

Don’t get hung up how long it takes to rank your content. Think of your blog as a garden and your blog post are little seeds that every time you hit publish you’re planting that seed in your garden.

Now with a garden, if you planted corn will you be able to harvest it in two weeks? Nope, the same goes for your blog post. Just keep going and eventually, it will pay off.

Some WordPress Seo Tips

Here are some core WordPress SEO tips you should consider doing on your site.

  • Make sure your site has an SSL cert. While this is not a critical step, it does help. Most hosting companies offer free ones with their plans. If your’s does not, consider switching to a host that does. I host my site on wpengine. It’s not the cheapest solution around but their customer support is great.
  • Make sure your site speed is good. The biggest thing that will cause your site to slow down is plugins. I generally like to keep min around 20 or less if possible.
  • Fix your permalinks. By default, WordPress will structure your post like this Https:// This is bad for SEO.Go into your permalink settings and change it to the post name settings. Your post will now look like
  • Don’t use crappy hosting either. Cheaper is not always better. This boils down to you get what you pay for. Quality hosting does make a difference.

Do Keyword Word Research

Make sure you do your keyword research when you writing your post.

Before I would use tools like keywords anywhere to gather up my keywords, now I take a different approach. If the question or topic sounds reasonable I’ll go ahead and write the content.

If the topic is just to far off like, “How to do network marketing while skydiving,” you shouldn’t write it. As you can tell nobody would be searching that topic.

But they would search “How to make extra income while working full time.”

Why You Need To Write Longer Content

Things have changed a lot when it comes to getting your content to rank. I’ve learned that Google wants longer content. The reason for this is for better user experience. Take this post, for example, I could answer the title of this blog post in just a few short sentences.

But for better user experience I go expand on the answer giving you more detail on why it matters and as you’ll see in the next section, I give you some tips on how you can write longer more detailed post.

Some Tips To Help You Write Better Post

Make sure you post is answering a question or solving a problem of your target audience.

If you’re having trouble expanding on your topic, just think what would be a question you would ask yourself.

Also, when you google search your term, scroll all the way to the bottom of that page. Those related searches are great topics you can include in your article.

I like to write an outline of my blog post first.

I make an opening statement and then I write out the first paragraph.

In that first paragraph, you should give the readers the answer to the question or the problem that you mentioned in the title. Doing this alone usually gets me anywhere from 2-300 words to start.

Next, I write out all my subheadings. Usually 3-4.

Once that’s done, I just go in and expand on each of those headings. It’s like writing mini-blog post for each sub-heading. If I sit down and concentrate I can have an article written up in about an hour and a half. Sometimes faster.

[Video] How To Improve Your Google Rankings


You don’t need any fancy tools or do anything weird to get your stuff to rank higher, just write good helpful content and you’ll be fine.

The days of doing shady stuff to rank your stuff fast with Google is long gone and never coming back.

Don’t try and cheat the system, put in the work by making good, helpful, long content and you won’t have to worry about getting hit by some Google update

Writing longer blog post, 1200 words or more is the best way to increase your SEO rankings for free.

If this blog post was helpful, consider dropping me a comment down below and let me know. And feel free to share this training around with someone you know who could get some benefit.

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To Your Massive Success

Dereco Cherry





Text or Call Me: (336) 782-8318
Skype: Reco.Cherry
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If you enjoyed this training on how to improve your google rankings in WordPress, please do me a favor and share it with someone on your team or anyone you know that could get some benefit from it.

2 thoughts on “How Do You Get To The Top Of A Google Search?”

  1. Interesting article on how to get to the top of Google Search results.

    I too have noticed the change where “longer” content ranks better than short, less informed post just don’t cut it anymore.

    With several of my articles on the front page of Google, I found getting to the Top Three positions dominated by author’s with longer, more in-depth content. So, I had to change with the times.

    Your four Word Press SEO tips were nice. I follow all of these (because you are my mentor lol).

    One question haunts me, however.

    If it takes approximately 35 weeks for an article to “find its place” in the Google Rankings, what actions would you suggest we take while we wait for the post to began drawing organic traffic?

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