How To Convince Someone To Join Network Marketing

How To Convince Someone To Join Network Marketing

Do you want to know how to convince someone to join network marketing?

In this post, I’m going to show you exactly how to do it.

I Was Clueless About Network Marketing Online

When I came online a few years ago, I had no clue of how this online marketing thing worked. If someone would have asked me what a capture page was they would have gotten a blank stare from me.

It wasn’t until I plugged into a marketing system that taught me how the pieces fitted together AND it kept me up to date with the ever-changing marketing strategies out here.

Maybe you are just getting started or you’ve been online for awhile but have not gotten the results you wanted. If you want to finally find out how to generate leads and make more sales in your business, then you might want to check out the system that changed everything for me. You can go here to check it out.

How To Convince Someone To Join Network Marketing

I have a different feeling when it comes down to trying to convince someone to join my network marketing business.

I don’t.

I don’t ever try and convince anyone, change their mind or anything like that about network marketing.

If I prospect, someone, and they check out my presentation and they turn their nose up or start getting real negative about mlm, I’ll simply say, “Hey, no problem. It seems like this is not a fit for you.” And I thank them for their time and send them on their way.

I’m never mean, I don’t go into convincing mode trying to change their mind and neither should you.

Think of it like this, would you want to convince someone to be in a relationship with you? I know I wouldn’t. You want it to be their idea. The same goes for network marketing. You want it to be their idea to joining your team.

So how do you do that? Well, you just need to get good at asking questions. Ask questions to find out what is troubling them, what problems do they have that your opportunity could solve.

Let them tell you what problem they have, present a solution to their problem and see if they would be open solving their problem with your solution.

To show you exactly what I’m talking about, check out these pieces of training on the types of questions you should ask your prospects:

Mlm Prospecting Tips: Questions For The Single Person

Mlm Prospecting Tips:Dating Network Marketer Questions

Mlm Prospecting Tips:Married Network Marketer Questions

While network marketing is a simple business, we over complicate things a lot of the times and make it much more difficult than it needs to be.

Find out who is open, show them a presentation, and collect a decsion. That it. Most network markters mess up before they even get started. The immediatly think everyone will want to join their business or they have the best “deal”.

News flash, nobody cares about your deal. The only thing people care about is  what’s in it for them. So make the conversation all about them. Show them how your deal can solve their problems.

Where To Find Leads

Leads are pretty much everywhere. I have a hard time believing someone that tells me they don’t have anyone to talk to about their business, really?

So you’re telling me you’ve talked to everyone in your neighborhood, you’ve talked to every person in your city. What about letting your friends and family know what you are doing? Heck have you at least reached out to everyone that is in your cell phone? See my point?

I see so many people in the Network Marketing witness protection program. It’s like its a secret. They don’t want anyone to know what they are doing.

Good luck with that approach. You have to talk to people. Money does not grow on trees. It comes from people. So get out there and talk them, make new friends, start conversations.

And let’s not throw in finding leads online, you can pick up my free audio that shows you 13 places that you can find them starting today.

Network marketing is a simple business but will require a lot of hard work.

Network Marketing Recruiting Tips Video

Did that training video help you? If you want people to join you and your team, make sure you have that posture. And remember you don’t NEED anyone to join your team. Hope this training helped you. Leave me a comment below and let me know if it did.

If this post was helpful, please do me a quick favor, like and share on Facebook or your favorite social media platform.

To Your Massive Success

Dereco Cherry





Text or Call Me: (336) 782-8318
Skype: Reco.Cherry
Need Some One On One Help? Check Out My Work With Me Page.

PS: If You Could Use More Leads, Reps, And Money For Your Business You Might Want To Take A Peek At The System I Have Been Using- Click Here For Access!

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