Mlm Prospecting Tips: Questions For The Single Person

What questions should you ask a prospect that is not in a network marketing company?Mlm Prospecting Tips

This video blog is going to teach you some prospecting tips and show you how to guide the conversation.

Learn How To Market Your Mlm

Would you like to learn the skills to grow your mlm using the internet? Here is your chance to do it. This is a recorded presentation of an MLM rep that has made some pretty good income leveraging an affiliate marketing system. Just a fair warning though the results you are about to see are not typical but just what is possible if you are willing to roll your sleeves up and actually do the work. Click here for access!

Mlm Prospecting Techniques

So what exactly is a “single” lead? That is lead you have generated either online or possible offline that is not currently part of a network marketing company or any affiliate program. They’re looking for information about starting a home based business. When you first talk to a lead on the phone or in person and you get past the first few minutes of the conversation, after the warm and fuzzy stage where you are getting to know them you should ask them if they’re currently in a network marketing company or are they looking to join one. If they tell you they are looking to join one you know they are “single.”

Once you find this out there are some questions that you should ask them, I cover the exact questions you should ask in the video on this page. Once you get through the questions you want to request to send them some information. You want to structure it like this: “If I, would you?”. If I send you some information over would you be open to taking a look at it?” If they say yes, ask them when do you think you can watch it and make sure you setup a follow up appointment with them so you can collect a decision. During your follow up call the very first question you want to ask is when you  what did they like best about it. Then shut up! Let them talk. If they give you an objection you can address it. Usually by asking more questions but if they are positive and excited about what they just watched get them started.

This five step mlm prospecting process works if you work it. Make sure you check out these other resources that shares what the process is and what questions you should ask the married and dating prospects. The training video below shares some of the very best mlm prospecting questions that you can use that will help you crush it in your business!

Mlm Tips To Success Video

Was that video helpful? This is the exact method that I use when talking to leads that I generate. This system works but you have to put it into action. If you got some value from this training make sure you leave me a comment below and let me know. Feel free to share this around with anyone you think could get some benefit from it.

If this post was helpful please do me a quick favor and leave a comment, like and share on Facebook.

To Your Massive Success

Dereco Cherry






Text or Call Me: (336) 782-8318
Skype: Reco.Cherry

P.S. If You Could Use More Leads, Reps And Money For Your Business You Might Want To Take A Peek At The System I Have Been Using- Click Here For Access!

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14 thoughts on “Mlm Prospecting Tips: Questions For The Single Person”

  1. It always helps having different perspectives regarding marketing-I really learn interesting things from your videos and emails.
    Thank you for sharing your experience and vision Derreco!

  2. Single people have a huge advantage in this industry, especially if they don’t have kids. They can work as hard and as much as they want to and grow a big business. In most cases, when a couple is married and in the businesses, only one spouse is really serious anyway.

    I prefer sponsoring singles myself.

    Thanks for the great post.


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