How To Prospect When You Are Short On Time

how to prospect when you're short on time

Do you feel like you don’t have the time to get your prospecting done for your business?

Here in this video blog post, I’m going to share some strategies you can use to get your prospecting done when you’re short on time.

Active prospecting is the number one income producing activity you should be doing, especially if you’re just starting out. If you’re short on time here is how you can get your prospecting knocked out, make calls from your car on your drive into work, while you’re waiting to pick the kids up from school in the pickup line, while you’re sitting waiting at your kid’s sports practice or after school activities.

You have to find the time to get your prospecting done. Everyone’s schedule will be different so there is no one size fits all. You have to find what works best for you and you’re situation.

How To Prospect When You Are Short On Time

I got exposed to network marketing and online marketing world when I was employed full-time. I still work a regular 8-5 job at the time of this blog post. I’ve had to come up with creative ways to squeeze more time into my day to get my prospecting done and content creation.

What’s made it a bit easier is learning online marketing, now instead of me just cold calling or prospecting a bunch of people, I generate leads online with phone numbers. I would highly suggest you learn how to market online too so you can have people reaching out to you wanting to know about your business.

Most of the strategies I’m about to share I actually do them myself, and some I had to think about.

Enough of that, let’s jump into some of the time-saving strategies that I use in my business to get my prospecting done!

The Key To Mastering Prospecting

The key to mastering prospecting or any skill is to just do it. You can’t get better with something if you never practice.

I remember making my first call, I was nervous just like anyone else would be but I faced my fears and did it anyway. Did it suck? Yep. Everything sucks at first but the more you do it the easier it becomes.

Now I look forward to calling my leads back. I have ZERO fear of getting on the phone.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”The key to mastering prospecting or any skill is to just do it.” quote=”The key to mastering prospecting or any skill is to just do it.”]

In The Car

While you’re driving is a great time to make your prospecting phone calls. Make sure you use a hands-free device like a Bluetooth headset or speakerphone.

I’ve made countless videos and phone calls from my car. I like to call my car my mobile university. Instead of listing to music, I’ll throw on a personal development audio book or listen to a podcast.

On Your Break At Work

Instead of going to lunch with your co-workers, use that time to make calls and bring your lunch too.

What I would do is go out to my car, open up my emails and start making calls for my entire lunch break. If I had too many leads I would just call as many as I could back.

Maybe you work a mid-day shift and your break is over in the evening. Most people are off work and at home which makes it a great time to make those calls.

While You Wait For The Kids

The Weekend

If you’re completely slammed and don’t have the time do your prospecting on the weekend. You might have to give up hanging out with your friends while you’re in build mode.

How bad do you want it? What are you willing to give up?

One thing I’ve always understood is that in life, you have to give up something (temporarily) in order to gain something.

If you’re used to going out hanging out on the weekends maybe you need to give that up for a while until you get your business where you want to be.

How long will that take? I don’t know, it’s going to be different for everyone depending on your work ethic and how much time you are willing to put into your business.

The Evenings

Instead of watching the news for an hour, put that time towards building your business and make those prospecting calls or follow up with your leads.

I gave up my cable tv. I just have internet at my house.

Instead of using that time watching tv shows, I now use that time to work on building my business and working more on myself with personal development.

And come to think of it, I can’t remember the last time I’ve even watched a TV show besides The Walking Dead.

I’m not saying you have to cut out your cable Tv, that’s just what I did. But you will have to give up something in order to gain something.

How to Handle The Three Most Common MLM Objections

Before you go down the path of trying to overcome someone objections, make sure it’s someone you would want to work with. If they are just being closed minded about network marketing or have a bad attitude, I wouldn’t spend any time trying to convince them otherwise. Don’t waste your time.

If you decide it’s worth your time, you first want to confirm that your prospect’s objection is a legit one. Most of the time they are not telling you the truth. You have to stand up to your prospects and don’t let them run you over.

I Don’t Have The Money

The I don’t have the money objection one of the most common objections. It’s usually not true too. Your prospects have the money, they just don’t see your opportunity as a priority for themselves or as an investment into starting their own business. Have some posture and be willing to call them out on their BS. If you want to truly help them, you have to be willing to get uncomfortable with your prospects.

  • Say their objection back to them in the form of a question. “Just so I’m clear John, “You don’t have access to $299 dollars to get started today?”
  • Ask them, “If you had the money would you get started today?”
  • If they say yes and they truly don’t have the money to get started, you should help them come up with some ways to come up with the money. What can they sell? Can they lower their monthly bills? Get creative with them.
  • Ask your prospect when will they have the money to get started. Let them tell you a date.
  • Then you ask them, “If I call you on the 25th you’ll have the money to get started?”

I Don’t Have The Time

They key here is to first identify any goals or dreams they might have. Then you want to help them free up some time to help them achieve those goals and dreams.

  • Ask them, “If we can help you find an extra hour in the day to work your business, you’d be in today correct?”
  • You want to always assume they are going to sign-up. if they say yes they would be all in then you can work on helping them free up their time.
  • Find out what their current week looks like. Look for ways to free up their time to work their business. Maybe they don’t watch as much TV, maybe they give up going out on the weekends.

I Need To Think About It

There’s really no way to get around this semi objection, you have to get to the core of what’s really holding them up.

  • Straight up ask them and give them a way out, “What exactly do you need to think about? If it’s not a fit for you, it’s completely cool.”
  • Hopefully, by this time they will tell you what’s really holding them back.
  • Get your prospects their answers and let them review it.
  • Follow up with them again to collect a decision.

Set The Tone

You always want to be a rush when you’re out prospecting. People are attracted to busy people. So seem busy even if you’re not. You can say something like this,

Hey, I’m in a rush but I’m glad I caught you do you have a quick minute, I have something important I want to show you. How soon can you get in front of your computer for 10-15min?

I just got involved with a company that’s doing a ton of expanding and they are looking for some people. Now I can’t make any promises to you anything but if If you saw a way you could make some pretty good side money if it didn’t interfere with what you are currently doing would you be open to taking a look?

Set the appointment and get them on your presentation and collect a decision.

Some Tips On Closing Your Prospects

  • When you get on the phone with them don’t sound desperate or anxious.
  • Don’t be attached to the outcome. If your prospect says no, simply thank them for their time and keep it moving.
  • Your first question after your prospect watches a presentation should be, “What did you like best about what you just watched?”
  • A great closing question is, “Is there anything else you need to know before you get started?”

What’s The Best Time To Call Your Prospects?

The best time to call your prospects depends. If you’ve generated the leads through your blog or some other piece of content you should call them back as soon as possible. Calling your leads back helps you stand out from the pack. Most people are to afraid to even pick up the phone.

Before I call my leads back I always look at the area code to find out what time zone the person is located. Their area code is a great conversation icebreaker too. If they live in the 336 area code, I’ll ask them something about the local sports or something specific to that area.

The area code strategy works even better when you generate a lead that lives or is from the same state as you are.

Use some common sense when picking up the phone, you don’t want to call people to early in the morning or too late in the evening.

I personally don’t make any calls to my prospects before 10 am and nothing after 9 pm as a general rule of thumb.

How Many Voicemails Should You Leave?

With voicemails, your goal is to simply get people to call you back. You don’t want to do anything silly like try and pitch them on their voicemail or start talking about how great your product is and the compensation plan.

In fact, you never want to pitch anyone yourself. The better way to do it is by letting a tool do it. Get them on a website or hand them a DVD.

Your prospect will immediately look at what you’re doing and ask themselves is this something I can do or even want to do. If you go into some fancy pitch mode, your prospect will start to think they have to do that too.

I suggest having a good CRM system so you can keep track of when you called your leads. If you don’t have one feel free to reach out to me and I’ll be glad to share the one I’m using.

The first voicemail you just want to say, “Hey, this is (Insert your name) just giving you a call. You requested some information from me and I’m just reaching out. Feel free to give me a call back at (Insert your number).”

My second voicemail would go something like this, “Hey, this is (Insert your name). You checked out my site yesterday. I’m reaching out again to see how I can help you. Give me a call at (Insert your number).”

Third and final voicemail. This voicemail is where you tell your prospect you’re going to mark them off your list. “This is (Insert your name), just giving you a call to let you know I’m going to go ahead and mark you off my list. Best of luck to you in your future and thanks for taking the time to check out my website, (Insert your website or blog).

The third voicemail is the money one. You’ll get most of your return calls as people don’t like being told their getting marked off a list. They think they might miss something.

[Video] Time Saving Prospecting Strategies


Prospecting is the best thing you can do to make money in your network marketing business.

I would suggest learning how to generate your own leads online and you won’t have to do any cold calling or prospecting complete strangers.

We all make time for the things that are important to us. If it’s not important you’ll always find an excuse not to do it.

Prospecting is important to the growth of any network marketing business. The best way to get good at prospecting is to get off the fence, and get in the game!

If this post was helpful, please do me a quick favor, like and share on Facebook or your favorite social media platform.

To Your Massive Success

Dereco Cherry





Text or Call Me: (336) 782-8318
Skype: Reco.Cherry
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PS: Check Out How The #1 Income Earner In A Network Marketing Company Generates Almost 50 Leads Per Day….And Get This….For FREE. Unlock Your Free Leads For Life Here

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