Network Marketing Prospecting Scripts To Use To Make More Money

Network Marketing Prospecting Scripts

What if you could get your prospects to ask you for a presentation?

Here are some network marketing prospecting scripts to use to help you get more people watching your business opportunity presentation.

Heads Up

There is a 10-day virtual summit that is about to happen. This summit will feature 40+ top producers from the home business and network marketing industry who have used attraction marketing to build their business.

They are all coming together to show YOU how you can implement the same principles into your business with some guidelines with using social media, blogging, and video to grow your business. There will be some offline techniques being taught as well, hey home meetings do work.

If you are serious about building your network marketing or home based business, then go ahead and claim your free ticket!

How To Approach A Prospect In Network Marketing

Your approach dictates how your prospect will view you. You don’t want to come off as someone just looking for a sale or talking a lot of hype. This stuff usually attracts the person who is looking to get rich quick. These types of people will usually quit because they didn’t make a million dollars in a month.

I like to approach all my prospects with a compliment. If they are dressed sharp I will say it, then ask them what do they do for a living. Leading with some type of compliment is a great way to get the conversation started.

How To Get Prospects To Ask You For A Presentation

When it comes to building your network marketing business, don’t try and reinvent the wheel. You don’t have to come up with some “new” way of doing prospecting and recruiting. All the hard work has been done for you. Ever heard the saying “success leaves clues?” Well, failure does too as well.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Success and Failure leaves Clues” quote=”Success and Failure leaves Clues”]

Getting people on your presentation starts with what you say to them. Your words make all the difference in you having countless people to talk to vs. you not having anyone to talk to. When someone tells you no usually this points back to your approach, you’ve probably made your approach all about yourself and not about them.

Here are some things you should avoid saying when talking to your prospects.

“I, just joined this awesome business and the products are great with an outstanding compensation plan!”

“This is a ground floor opportunity, so you should get in  now!”

“I have x amount of spots open for new team members etc.”

And any type of “Join my team” statements as well.

All of these types of words makes the conversation all about yourself. What’s in it for them? Does any of this solve any of your prospects problems? No, it does not that is why these are a terrible choice of words to use when prospecting.

One of the many reasons why network marketing is so great is distributors all start off on the same playing field. We all have the same access to the training, compensation plan and products. The only thing that separates most network marketers is their approach.

How you approach people on or offline is a major key to your success in getting them to checking out a presentation.

Rules For Presentations Or Sign-Up Links

Being online I’ve been pitched all different types of ways, and I can tell you most network marketers get this ALL wrong. One of the worst things you can do with online prospecting is ask someone what they do for a living, and it’s right there on their social media profile. That tells me for starters; you are lazy because you didn’t take two seconds to check out my profile. And two you are not genuinely interested in getting to know who I am.

Now when you are prospecting offline things are different, you are going into the conversation completely blind, so you will need to ask your prospect more questions, and that is acceptable.

So with that being said, here are a couple of rules or guidelines you should follow if you are doing on or offline prospecting.

  1. Only give out your company links for people who ask or gives you permission to send it to them.
  2. Always build some rapport when first starting the conversation. (There is a way to transition over to your business which I will discuss in a bit.)
  3. Your conversation should never be high pressure for your prospects. It should be solely their choice if they decide to joining your team or not.

How To Handle Rejection In Network Marketing

In network marketing, you are going to get rejected. You will have way more people tell you no than yes. Some of the best advice I’ve gotten is don’t be addicted to the outcome. That means if someone tells you no be ok with it. You have to run your business as if it is already a multi-million dollar empire even if you are just getting started.

Let’s say you were already making a million or even six figures a year in your business and somebody told you no how would that make you feel? You probably wouldn’t care. That is exactly how you should feel at all times.

Here is some additional training that will help you with prospecting:

MLM Prospecting Tips: How To Close The Deal

Video: Network Marketing Prospecting Scripts

Did you get some value from that video? If so, drop me a comment below and let me know and if you know someone or have someone on your team who could get some benefit from this feel free to share.

If this post was helpful, please do me a quick favor and leave a comment, like and share on Facebook or your favorite social media platform.

To Your Massive Success

Dereco Cherry





Text or Call Me: (336) 782-8318
Skype: Reco.Cherry
Need Some One On One Help? Check Out My Work With Me Page.

PS: Need a Step-By-Step Blueprint For Online Marketing Success, You Might Want To Take A Peek At This (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) – Click Here For Instant Access

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6 thoughts on “Network Marketing Prospecting Scripts To Use To Make More Money”

  1. As my mentor, you know, talking with my prospects was a major fear of mine. “What if I call at a bad time?” “What if they get mad that I called?” were only a few of the terrifying thoughts that ran through my mind.
    But, It was just like you taught me. THEY contacted ME! They are WAITING to here from ME! I had a RESPONSIBILITY to help them….
    Your “scripts” and what NOT to say helped me over this fear, and now I LOVE talking to new prospects.
    – Bubbie _

    1. Yes, I do remember that but you have over come those fears and are crushing it now. When you have self-generated leads that makes the phone call so much easier just like you said. Awesome comment and thanks for stopping by!

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